Is this common practice?

Pavers stick out about 1.5" past side of house. Yes, it's tiny, but as a stickler for details to me it was done wrong. Paver company said this is common practice and people dislike when bricks are cut short (if they had cut 1.5" off the inside column of bricks to make it end up flush). Apparently the uneven pattern is more noticeable than it sticking out past your house? What do you think is this a bad job or par for the course?

Pavers stick out about 1.5" past side of house. Yes, it's tiny, but as a stickler for details to me it was done wrong. Paver company said this is common practice and people dislike when bricks are cut short (if they had cut 1.5" off the inside column of bricks to make it end up flush). Apparently the uneven pattern is more noticeable than it sticking out past your house? What do you think is this a bad job or par for the course?